What's been achieved in 2018!

On this page is a quick news overview on what I've managed to achieve in 2018, I hope you agree its substantial. 
*We need a majority of residents to register and subscribe take the STH Campaign to the next level.
So please ask your neighbours to support the most important community campaign in Stanwell Moor's history, seeking to have Heathrow agree that OUR VILLAGE after "DECADES" of aircraft noise and pollution "MUST BE INCLUDED" in the Wider Property Offer Zone.

Quick News on the STH WPOZ Campaign for Stanwell Moor!

As the Sell to Heathrow Campaign continues to grow and is adopted by the residents of Stanwell Moor, the campaign website is our "ONLINE FACE" and a hugely important visual reminder for Heathrow/BAA and Local Government. 

This site markets our campaign, presents the strength of support and publishes campaign news. It is an important online tool to ensure that the feelings of our residents and our case for Stanwell Moor's inclusion into the Wider Property Offer Zone [WPOZ] is heard by everyone.

It was agreed the campaign services would be subsidised by donations. However that was dependent on at least 80% of registered members making a donation. Last year 43 homeowners out of over 360 did, so to keep the campaign going it will now to become a subscription service. Subscriptions are an independent choice, although we need a minimum number of subscribers, so we are asking as many homeowners on the village to help. Residents can still view some information on the site, other parts will be restricted for those subscribers. - You can find out more on the SUPPORT button above.

Everyone now knows that STH is the ONLY reason Heathrow is negotiating with us after years of weak representation and being ignored Stanwell Moor has a voice. STH has 'political support' at all levels. The campaign has been front-page news and packed-out events have already happened. We are having director-level meetings with Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL). Our case is undeniable and we want Heathrow Airport and our Councils to deliver better services, better facilities, less blight and FINALLY compensation for Stanwell Moor residents!

Below is a "Quick News" update on what I achieved last year. It will be open for 14-days from the 1st March until the 15th March 2019 and after that time all News, Updates and Social media will only be available to Supporters. - I hope it helps to inform everyone of how much work is going into this. - Thank You.


The STH Campaign Timelines and The News - As it happened.
11th Nov 2017 – The STH campaign begins.
14th Dec 2017 - The campaign has been registered and details acknowledged by the Government and this is major plus for us!
6th January 2018 – Westminster MP Kwasi Kwarteng is supporting the Campaign!
26th January 2018 - After the shocking incident this morning we need everyone to register and WE WILL get the change we all want!
13th February 2018 – STH Campaign Meeting was attended by a huge crowd in the packed out Village Hall!
22nd February 2018 – The Sell to Heathrow Campaign, is front page in the Press – Surrey News!
23rd February 2018 – Heathrow to meet STH campaign organiser at the Compass Centre on the 5th March!
26th February 2018 – Residents call an EGM to elect a NEW Residents Association Committee
5th March 2018 - We have a very productive meeting with Rob Gray Heathrow Community Director and his team at the Compass Centre.
*Heathrow propose listening workshop, we forward a Stanwell Moor residents proviso - THIS IS AGREED!
*Heathrow want to work with STH Campaign and participate in future meetings. - THIS IS AGREED!
*(Everything very positive, Heathrow are engaged and everything looks good going forward!)
6th March 2018 - We have a front page article in the Chronicle & Informer.
6TH March 2018 - The old Stanwell Moor Residents Association resign.
12th March 2018 - EGM held in the village hall and residents choose a NEW Residents Association!
16th March 2018 - Cllr Ian Harvey, Spelthorne Council issues a Press Release which backs my Stanwell Moor WPOZ Campaign and asks for Stanwells inclusion plus other concessions from Heathrow!

20th March 2018 - Heathrow hold its first ‘listening event’ for residents in a packed village hall!
23rd March 2018 - I meet with our MP Kwasi Kwarteng and he is fully behind STH and inclusion in WPOZ.
1st May 2018: - Fundraiser event for the Sell to Heathrow Campaign in village hall announced on Facebook.
4th May 2018: - Private car parking firm is parking vehicles on Stanwell Moor is reported by residents.
16th May 2018: - I had a meeting with the owners of Kestrel to outline my plan for off-road parking.
22nd May 2018: - We meet with Addison Lee who agree the blight and a no enter policy for Stanwell Moor
23rd May 2018: - Another meeting with Kestrel to discuss further options for my off-road parking plan.
25th May 2018: - UCH agree to off-road parking plan and will pay on agreement from Spelthorne Council.
3rd June 2018: - Spelthorne Council again calls for Stanwell Moor’s inclusion into the WPOZ in local press.
5th June 2018: The PM and the Cabinet AGREE Heathrow's third runway to go ahead. A major boost for STH!
7th June 2018: - We have another very positive meeting with Rob Gray, Heathrow Communities Director and the campaign gathers even more support.
25th June 2018 - SCC respond to my fight for restrictions: [Bridges and culverts in Horton Road are strong enough for any class of vehicle.] - I will fight on.
29th June 2018:- On behalf of residents, we object to an application for an O Licence for 20 more HGV's from KLT Construction Ltd.
9th July 2018: Robert Evans and myself go to Morris Yard for a meeting with Simply Waste Ltd, more to follow. 
10th July 2018: - Testimony is presented that Simply Waste assertion of food-waste not kept onsite and is taken to another recycling plant is untrue.
11th July 2018: - I send a letter to John Holland-Kaye to demand our inclusion in the WPOZ. Over 330 residents are included in the petition.
12th July 2018: - As a community we lodge our objection to Simply Waste Ltd application for a huge increase in night-time vehicle movements!
13th July 2018: - Kwasi Kwarteng and his Parliamentary assistant, Tracey Carter visited me in my home for an 90-minute meeting to discuss the campaign and future actions. We then go the Anchor for a Q&A and to meet with other residents.
13th July 2018 - I object to Simply Waste application for more vehicle nighttime movements. Over 300 residents included in petition.
16th July 2018 - We WIN and road works will be carried out at M25 end of Horton Road - Date to be advised but will be before winter sets in!
17th July 2018:- SMRA details now lodged on Spelthorne Councils website of regional associations and groups.
19th July 2018:- I open negotiations with Alan Morris on a new entrance to the Charles Morris yard to be on Stanwell Moor Road, A3044.
27th July 2018:-  John Holland-Kaye congratulates me and  says Heathrow are now actively and seriously considering including Stanwell Moor in WPOZ. 
30th July 2018: - Leaders Meeting in Village Hall a huge success as we get our MP, Spelthorne CEO, Police and more Councillors than you could shake a stick at on the panel. - The residents turn out in large numbers and pack the hall, and its standing room only for our Community Campaign.
2nd August 2018: We're back in the Press again as Regional Newspapers recognise that John Holland-Kaye's email to me is a 'sea change' at Heathrow!
5th Aug 2018 - Despite objections from over 300 residents, Surrey County Council Planning Committee approve additional night time movements by Simply Waste on Oakleaf. - [*Cllr Evans did not attend this vital planning committee to argue against this application on our behalf!]

3rd Sept 2018 - Negotiations continue for new entry to Oakleaf facility as SSE agree commercial vehicles access is allowed under on-site pylons!
7th Sept 2018 - I meet with Heather Morgan, Head of Planning and Ann Biggs, Strategic Planning Manager to discuss the Kestrel site and the potential for new homes and off-road parking for UCH vehicles,
12th Sept 2018 - 
In response to my demands for action. *Jason Russell Surrey County Councils, Director of Highways Executive confirms a request to implement width restrictions or other traffic calming measures in Stanwell Moor to the Spelthorne Joint to Committee’s prioritisation list.
14th Sept 2018 - We meet with SCC Planning Development Managers, Caroline Smith and Stephen Jenkins at Surrey County Hall to discuss traffic blight, my plans for reducing this danger to our residents and my proposal for a new entry to Oakleaf. - [*Cllr Evans is invited to meeting but fails to attend!]
17th Sept 2018 - I counter the August O-Licence application approvals and issue Surrey County Council with Pre Application Protocol letter (PAP) and my intention to seek a Judicial Review in the High Court as the Council and our Councillors have been negligent should we not reach an agreement.
8th Oct 2018 - I meet Nick Healey, Surrey Council Highways Manager and Lee O'Neill Deputy Leader Spelthorne Council to discuss commercial blight, width-restrictions and other traffic issues.
8th Oct 2018 - I address a Joint Committee of Councillors in Council Chambers and WE WIN backing from Spelthorne Council for a £16,000 Feasibility Study on width-restrictions at Horton Road from the the M25 entry and exit and other restrictions on Spout Lane!
22nd Oct 2018 - Campaign stops temporarily as I'm admitted to hospital for two weeks due to a blood clot and other complications.
27th Nov 2018 - I meet with Daniel Mouawad, CEO Spelthorne Council and Cllr Ian Harvey, Leader of Spelthorne Council to discuss my WPOZ campaign for Stanwell Moor and the increased blight caused to our residents by Heathrow and other local businesses.
3rd Dec 2018 - I meet again with Cllr Ian Harvey, Leader of Spelthorne Council to further discuss my Heathrow WPOZ inclusion campaign.
8th Dec 2018 - I'm awarded a Pride of Spelthorne Award in acknowledgement of my work in the last year for the people of Stanwell Moor.

11th Dec 2018 - I attend an Local Focus Forum LFF at Compass Centre where I bring up individual resident cases that prove Heathrow Legacy Schemes are NOT working for people on Stanwell Moor and ask for positive action from Heathrow!

While this list is representative, it is not inclusive list of all the meetings I attended or carried out with Heathrow Airport. With local businesses, or with both Surrey County Council and Spelthorne Borough Council or other campaigning I undertook on behalf of the residents of Stanwell Moor in 2018 and hope to continue to do for our community in 2019!


So get involved "NOW" to be invited to Meetings and be kept fully Up-To-Date!

Join the STH Campaign Today!

Help us get Compensation from Heathrow Airport for Stanwell Moor Residents.

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CHRISTMAS 2018. Jim is presented with a Pride of Spelthorne Award. In recognition of all the work he's doing for OUR Village!   Support WPOZ!